The Red Rock Indian Band hosts its annual Traditional Gathering every third weekend in July.
It is a two and a half day event offers cultural crafts and cuisine, as well as traditional dancing and music. The gathering provides 2 feasts, one on Saturday and one on Sunday for all participants to enjoy at no cost.
The Meaning of Pow Wow
The term "Pow Wow" is the non-aboriginal's version of the Aboriginal term "Pau-Wau", which originally stood for a healing ceremony conducted by the Spiritual Leaders of various Tribes. The Aboriginal Nations used this gathering of tribes of many peoples for religious and spiritual ceremonial meetings, giving thanks to the Great Spirit for the Healing Rituals. The Anishinaabek passed this ritual on through generations to keep our traditional culture and history alive. Finally, it connects us with our past, present, and future, keeping harmony and balance spiritually and physically, and that is what unites us as One.