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Happy blog-iversary to exploring the edge

I cannot believe that one year ago we came up with the idea to start a blog to showcase all the wonderful activities there are to do in Nipigon and the surrounding area.  In honor of our one-year anniversary, I figured we would look down memory lane at my TOP 5 FAVOURITE ADVENTURES over the past year.

Number 5 – Ice Ice baby

Ice climbing, something I swore I would never ever do, but in the end LOVED it.  While driving down the highway, I would regularly see those crazy people attached to the frozen water and think how cool it looked. My problem was the heights factor, as you know heights are not for me.  I knew at the beginning of this blog that I would have to get out of my comfort zone for some activities, and I’m glad I pushed myself.  Ice climbing was a remarkable experience, and I cannot wait to do it again! Read the blog post.

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Number 4 – Trolling for Salmon on the Might Nipigon River

Okay, this one is in the top 5 because I vividly remember my mood changing multiple times throughout this fishing trip. A typical fishing trip for me previously would be hanging out on the front of my Dad’s or Uncle Chris’ boat getting a tan while all the boys fished.  This experience was totally different, I had to be awake super early, which didn’t excite me too much but as the morning progressed, my anticipation increased. The suspense of waiting for a bite is exhilarating, and then once it happened, my sense of accomplishment (or luck?) was incredible.  Plus, the salmon was delicious. ? Read the blog post.

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Number 3 –  FORE!! The North Shore Golf Club Welcomes Jonna Z to the Tee

This adventure happened on my birthday, and I was with two of my favourite people.  But that’s not the only reason I enjoyed it.  I genuinely had a great time attempting to “golf”.  It was a great day playing a sport I am not good at (which is normally a struggle for me), practicing my patience, and having a blast. I learned a lot, and plan to practice those skills again this summer.  If anyone wants to take me on as student that would be great, because I’m quite certain Noah and Joel have quit in the teaching position. Read the blog post.

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Number 2- Jonna Z loves Hockey

Hockey – the best winter activity in my opinion. There’s nothing like the feeling you get after strapping on the skates feeling the cold air on your face as you move around on the beautiful ice surface below you.  There was so many time this winter where I was extremely grateful for hockey. I coached some amazing kids with awesome parents, played tournaments with some of my long-time friends, and met some new friends, all because of hockey. I really wish hockey was an all year activity here in Nipigon, but it also makes me appreciate it more during the winter months. Read the blog post.

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Number 1 – My Island Adventures on Lake Superior

First off, a huge thank you goes out to my Papa and Gran (John and Carol Zechner) for taking 3 little kids out on the lake way back in the day.  If it wasn’t for them I would have never discovered my favourite place in the world. I have so many amazing memories out on Lake Superior with my family and friends.  Whether it’s swimming from island to island, jumping off rock cliffs into the “warm” Lake Superior waters, or simply sitting around the campfire at the end of a long day exploring, it’s an adventure that I believe everyone needs to check out. Read the blog post.

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I must admit, it’s tough going from living in a city to moving back to my hometown, or so I thought. But honestly, I did more in the past year than all those years I spent growing up here. Please, don’t anyone complain to me that “there’s nothing to do in Nipigon”.  Life is what you make it, and I knew a year ago that I was going to find out all the reasons why there is so much hometown pride within our little piece of heaven.  Living and being raised in a small town we have the privilege of growing up with lots of love and support from a strong community that I feel has instilled in me so many important core values. Nipigon is the only place I want to be, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to leave (sorry dad, can I live in the basement forever?)

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Until next time, Exploring the edge. 

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